Friday, February 19, 2010

Time to STOP; go back in time!! : *

1.Pangeaea and Rodina are similar because they formed the same way. They are different because they had different countries in different parts of the world when they were completely together.
2.The tectonics appeared to move the fastest during 420 and 350 millions years ago.
3.The world would be very choatic, because no one would be able to agree. One of the reason most people live where they live is because they agree with how the government is being ran and also how the people are. So if they have constructive differences with someone else customs, most people don't have to deal with it because of where people choose to live, but if everybody was living around the same area then it would be harder to adjust to that type of living style.
4.I would pick Spain, because right now it seems like a pretty place and I wonder how would have looked 250 millions years ago, and I would be willing to take a chance.

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