1. My best blog was my wordle blog. This blog was so good because I had fun with it and it really helped me learn about the vocabulary words we had.
2. I think I deserve a high A, between 95%-100%. I think I deserve this grade because all my blogs are on time they are all complete and they all represent the topic and information I was given to work with.
3. My favorite topic was chapter 16, because the vocabulary was the easiest to learn out of all of them, and I also felt like I really understood what the chapter was about. For example words like gyre, and upwelling were some of the easiest words I learn. Gyre means large whirls of water within an ocean basin, while upwelling is when the cold water raises to the top and brings nutrients with it. So I guess I liked chapter 16 because it was the simpliest chapter for me and I thought I could to do the best on it.
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